Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Taking care

What I have been doing for myself
Making time to get out of the library and outside;
to take a walk and clear my mind and my heart;
to write and pray ;
every day and when I need to - making time

Draw on my support network
keep on talking with others;
being more open with others as they can be with me;
not being so afraid of what I am feeling and the tears if they are there

Let go of some of the need to be in control
I cannot figure out everything that is going on or what I need to do;
Some things will just not get done and it does not matter;
I can live with that because I have to;
Not easy but helpful and necessary

Making time at home
going to bed early;
reading in bed - if I do not fall asleep first;
writing if I need to - not always but most of the time

If everything is not done - so what?
that is a part of letting go;
easier to do at home or I am learning quicker there? (I am responsible for myself) ;
at work -1 keep on having to talk with myself;
not feeling guilty when I cannot get involved - that is me right now

When I ride
doing what I can and feel like;
sometimes that is not easy because Bishop is easily distracted by people and other horses - many things in fact

Not fighting my body
going to bed when I am tired and not looking at the clock;
leaving an event when I am too tired -1 need to

Taking care of my mind, my heart and my body
making sure that I make time;
psychologist - my mind;
spiritual director - my heart and my faith;
massage - my body (especially when there are angels images in the room with me!)

Taking time off work
not just doing things but sometimes that;
doing what I like to do and making time for that

Familiar things that are positive and helpful
when I feel that the time is right or maybe I need to be open to new possibilities in the familiar;
church dinner - buying a ticket and if I need to leave early - so what?
reading stories and poems online - stay with them if they speak to me

Start where I am at
accepting myself where I am at;
God certainly does that - help me Lord to do that too!!

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