Sunday, July 5, 2009

Esther Bunny’s Christmas tale

Esther Bunny was back again at a place that her mom liked to visit - a quiet convent in Toronto. So on Christmas Eve 2006, Esther Bunny decided it was time to go and check out the Christmas decorations and anything else Christmas related that she could find. She wanted to see everything. This was going to take some time but she was ready for an adventure - this was a quiet place.

The first thing she saw after sliding down the banister from her mom‘s room was a real Christmas tree. She stopped for a long time to smell it. The lights she could imagine were on and some were twinkling. There were some Christmas goodies on the table but these did not interest her now - maybe later. She had lots more hopping to do and places to visit.

Down one hallway she slowed down - as bunnies sometimes do - and thought about the red glow she saw coming from one room. Being inquisitive, she slowly opened the door. Sitting in the rocking chair was none other than Santa himself. He smiled gently at Esther Bunny who for her part wondered if her Christmas bow was neatly tied. That did not seem to matter to Santa who beckoned to Esther Bunny to sit on his knee. With one quick hop, she was up and wasted no time in getting cozy.

So what did these two talk about? Some big secrets or small ones - only Santa and Esther Bunny know that. For some time the two were quietly chatting and even laughing. Then with a final warm Christmas hug from Santa, Esther Bunny was on her way again.

As she hopped by the guest wing directory she noticed one name on the board. It was all lit up in red lettering and Esther Bunny could read it quite easily. Nicholas Claus - departure date - January 6. He must be a regular visitor here, thought Esther Bunny as she hopped on her way.

There was time to look at all the Christmas flowers and plants and special arrangements and poinsettias and even the Christmas cactus just coming into bloom. There was also time to check out the bright coloured decorations in the dining room and the two teddy bears and to exchange a few words with them. Both were waiting to go to new homes where they would be loved and cuddled often.

There were a few more Christmas trees to be checked out and especially the one in the chapel. Esther Bunny’s nose told her right away that it was not a real tree - no smell - but it sure was nice and the gold decorations too. They looked to be hand made or maybe made by someone’s paws.
Even though all of these decorations and trees were to be enjoyed, there was something else that Esther Bunny needed to see. So near the front door she found what she was looking for - the Christmas crèche. There was a soft glow of a light above the stable. Was that someone or something moving? Freddy - the convent cat - had also found his way on Christmas Eve to this holy place.

Esther Bunny and Freddy the cat chatted quite easily for a few minutes and then they had nothing else to say and all grew quiet and still and the two were content to sit and wait for it was almost midnight on Christmas Eve. Very soon their ears pricked up as they heard the gentle tunes of Once in Royal David’s City. Was it their imagination or was there a rustling of straw in the stable and a movement of the animals and more bright lights and angel wings fluttering? There were smells too. The two new friends looked at each other but the moments quickly passed and all was quiet again. It was almost time to return to quiet places and sleep so Santa could make his deliveries.With a twitch of their whiskers and their tails and a quick Christmas hug, the two parted.

By now, Esther Bunny was ready for a post midnight snack. She stopped by the kitchen which was almost all in darkness. A small dish with one Esther Bunny sized carrot was sitting on the floor. There was a note beside it. “We left one for you. With love and Merry Christmas Esther Bunny from Rudolph and the Reindeer Gang.” Esther Bunny smiled and whispered - “Merry Christmas to you too - Rudolph and all the gang”.

Now it really was time to get back to bed before her mom missed her. But her mom was dreaming nicely of Christmas’ past and good times and family and food and snow. Esther Bunny did not give a second thought to the Christmas flowers and plants and special arrangements and poinsettias and the Christmas cactus as she hopped back to her mom’s room. She only had a passing thought for Santa. Was he still out on his rounds or was he sleeping easily in that rocking chair?

She knew that this would be a Christmas to remember for herself and her mom too - she was sort of lonely this year. She would have quite a story to tell her.When Esther Bunny hopped back into bed, her mom turned over and Esther Bunny snuggled in close. “My you are nice and warm and cozy. Where have you been?’

“I can tell you,” said Esther Bunny. “You see the story starts like this. I decided it was time to go and check out the Christmas decorations all over….”

With love from Esther Bunny and Merry Christmas too!

The Toronto tales of Esther Bunny

Dear stuffed animals and other friends,

Now my mom does like to take me travelling with her. She says that I am good company and no trouble at all - which is very true.

Now more on my latest adventure. My mom had gone off to do whatever she does on these retreat things. I was sitting in her room on the windowsill which gave me a great view of the garden and plants and trees.

Was that my imagination or could I see several real bunnies on the edge of that flowerbed? I waved to them with my ears which is how all bunnies communicate. They were waving back.

Bunny semaphore is quite complicated but we did manage to exchange the information that I was to meet them after dark to see what adventures we might have together.

That evening was all was quiet and my mom was asleep - which was quite early anyway - I was able to hop downstairs and out the back door.

There were 3 of my real bunny friends waiting for me on the edge of the flowerbed - right where I had seem them earlier on.

So what was next? They told me about the Toys’ or Us store not too far away that was a great place to check out other stuffed bunnies waiting to go to new homes.

So that is exactly where we went. There was no trouble at all getting into the store for on this warm spring evening the night cleaner had left the door open while he went about his work.

The store was quite intimidating in size until a friendly teddy bear pointed us in the direction of the stuffed animals - especially bunnies.

There was a large number of them on the shelves - of various colours and sizes. It did not take us long to get acquainted. We had all kinds of stories to share.
Suddenly we heard some noise in the next aisle - it was the young cleaner with his mop and duster. We all froze in place - which is something that real bunnies are just as comfortable doing as stuffed ones.

“I do not remember any of these animals being brown,” said the young fellow. No one blinked or moved a whisker or twitched a nose. “I think I need to take an early coffee break.”

He was soon gone on his way and the bunnies continued their conversation for some time - but not for too long. As they were leaving, everyone exchanged bunny hugs with reassurances that everyone would soon be adopted to good homes.

There was one more stop before we left the store - the picture book section. There were so many books there that it was difficult to know where to start. But of course by instinct we soon found the bunny books. It took some time to read them and look at all the pictures and the night time was quickly passing. Pictures and stories of bunnies are always fun to read and can create a giggling time.

We made sure before we left that the books were all returned to their proper place on the shelf and the right side up as well.

It took us no time at all to hop back to my temporary place of residence. We all exchanged some more bunny hugs at the kitchen door of the convent. The early morning staff were just coming on duty - to put on the porridge for breakfast and to maybe start chopping the vegetables for the salad later on the day’s menu.

I managed to carry off a small carrot for a snack - all this hopping about town had left me quite hungry. Bunnies are usually able to do more than one thing at once, so I was able to eat the carrot and return to my mom’s room at the same time.

I snuggled up beside her. I am sure she had not even missed me.

The next morning I was pretty sleepy and quite content to stay curled up on the bed while my mom went about whatever she did at that time of day.

And that is the end of my Toronto tale - or is it tail? I cannot quite remember.
With love and bunny hugs,

Esther Bunny

Animals in our lives

How do they bring peace and healing and comfort to us?

My horse does bring me a sense of belonging and comfort. Everyone who knows him tells me that he has a cute face. He is not cuddly but once in a while I give him a hug.

He likes to be patted and stroked as well. Horses like to be patted when they are frightened or just need to be reassured.

I have a good friend who went through a very painful time in her life. Her 2 cats were a great comfort to her then. She stroked and patted them a lot.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Taking care

What I have been doing for myself
Making time to get out of the library and outside;
to take a walk and clear my mind and my heart;
to write and pray ;
every day and when I need to - making time

Draw on my support network
keep on talking with others;
being more open with others as they can be with me;
not being so afraid of what I am feeling and the tears if they are there

Let go of some of the need to be in control
I cannot figure out everything that is going on or what I need to do;
Some things will just not get done and it does not matter;
I can live with that because I have to;
Not easy but helpful and necessary

Making time at home
going to bed early;
reading in bed - if I do not fall asleep first;
writing if I need to - not always but most of the time

If everything is not done - so what?
that is a part of letting go;
easier to do at home or I am learning quicker there? (I am responsible for myself) ;
at work -1 keep on having to talk with myself;
not feeling guilty when I cannot get involved - that is me right now

When I ride
doing what I can and feel like;
sometimes that is not easy because Bishop is easily distracted by people and other horses - many things in fact

Not fighting my body
going to bed when I am tired and not looking at the clock;
leaving an event when I am too tired -1 need to

Taking care of my mind, my heart and my body
making sure that I make time;
psychologist - my mind;
spiritual director - my heart and my faith;
massage - my body (especially when there are angels images in the room with me!)

Taking time off work
not just doing things but sometimes that;
doing what I like to do and making time for that

Familiar things that are positive and helpful
when I feel that the time is right or maybe I need to be open to new possibilities in the familiar;
church dinner - buying a ticket and if I need to leave early - so what?
reading stories and poems online - stay with them if they speak to me

Start where I am at
accepting myself where I am at;
God certainly does that - help me Lord to do that too!!


Bubble bath - feeling it, soft and gentle, scented

Resting - just lying around and not sleeping

Jesus prayer - comforting, reassuring, touching me deeply; different formats but mine is "Jesus" - this word alone

Being present and focused on what I am doing; gently and not too seriously

Walking slowly and being aware of that

Eating slowing and enjoying that; this is hard for someone who is single and lives alone and eats alone

Music - instrumental; gentle and quiet

Reading - another focus; not surprising that it has been difficult to finish a book lately

Sleeping - of course; deep sleeping

Writing - getting feelings out; relaxed after

Facing situations and feelings; then they can be dealt with honestly and openly

Writing - quiet reflecting

Staying in bed and reading

Taking time to do things; slowing down; enjoying them

Deep breathing; relaxed breathing; slowed down breathing

Decaf coffee - it tastes good but without the kick of the caffeine

Guided meditation - it puts me to sleep

Peace and healing

Quiet music - especially instrumental.

My dining room table has a large candle in the middle and I have 2 special writings there as well.
- prayer for healing
- page from a Powerpoint presentation - May God hold you in the palm of His hand and angels watch over you

Gentle breathing - not deep breathing.

A little angel that sits on my desk at work. She really is a Christmas decoration. The note with her says - may you find peace. She was a gift from a special friend.

Coming to Jesus in prayer and knowing that to be a place of comfort and peace and healing.

The Jesus prayer - the one word version.

My house which is quiet and peaceful. It is very much my own space.

Bringing my pain to Jesus on the Cross - as a praying friend said to me - a place of deep healing.

A wooden cursillo cross that I sleep with underneath my pillow. Jesus is close.

Over 200 taped episodes of Touched by an Angel. I am only missing 2 out of the 9 seasons of the program. Comforting and reassuring words of faith shared - God loves you; He is there for you.

Sitting quietly before a service at St. John's, especially on Wednesday morning when the church is quiet. Knowing God to be in that place.

Back to music - being able to listen to CD's at work when I am doing some routine task.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Andrea's wedding

The location
Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm, Edwards, Ontario - a lovely facility for all kinds of special occasions - big and small

The weather
Sunny and warm; breezy from time to time

The service
Short and informal

The entertainment
Following the photographer around setting up his shots; there was certainly plenty of time for that; meeting some of the local inhabitants including a few horses, some large geese and some little geese (very fluffy and yellow)

The clothes
Some women in hats but certainly not everyone

Andrea’s dress was lovely of course but what she wearing on her feet??

The meal
Some snacks and cold drinks to start with and the punch was very cold ; roast beef and chicken for the main event and various salads and 3 different kinds of cake for dessert.

The cake that Andrea and Jonathan pretended to cut looked to be a fake.

My colleague and I sat with the owners of the kennels that Andrea and all the rest of her sisters and brother have worked for at some time.

The romantic part
Of course the kisses and some lovely poetry about Andrea and Jonathan

The departure
In a lovely white limousine and by this time the sun was going down and it was getting cool and we were ready to depart as well.


So what was Andrea wearing on her feet with that lovely dress??
Her running shoes - smart girl with all that standing around and posing for the pictures, etc.